Sunday, December 2, 2012


I opened my Etsy shop!  Check it out!  I am very excited and also very proud of myself.  I've been planning to do this for years, literally, but I always let something get in my way.  Not this time.

For the past four years, I've participated in NaNoWriMo.  This year as I was writing my novel, I kept thinking about how what I really wanted to be doing was sewing.  I would take small breaks from writing for a few stitches.  How foolish.  I made a deal with myself: quit the novel and open the shop.  Now.  This month.  No more stalling.

I started with a series of dishtowels.  For me, they are the right blend of art and craft.  One thing I know is that if I don't enjoy doing something, I often don't get it done.  I had to enjoy the entirety of the process.  These towels meets all of my needs.  I get to work my vintage embroidery and textiles.  I get to make it them even more awesome.  Most of the work can be done on the sewing machine, which means I can actually finish pieces in a reasonable amount of time.  And everybody needs towels.

I am also selling some of my fiber collage pieces.

I'm less certain about whether people need fiber collages, but I love making them and I want that to be what my life is.  And that's what this is about: finding a way to make a life from art.

And I've already made a sale!  Okay, it was to my parents.  I hope they like their purchase and give me positive feedback. . .

1 comment:

  1. yay, jen! i'm so proud of you!!! i'm super impressed that you stopped your nanowrimo project to focus your attention on your etsy shop. that's so awesome! you rock. xoxoxoxoxoxo!!!!!
