Monday, July 9, 2012

Up North

When I was a kid, we went up to the lake for at least a week every year.  Now, since I've lived in Chicago, "the lake" means Lake Michigan.  However, in Minnesota, "the lake" means whatever lake is your lake.  You know, we go Up North to the cabin at the lake.  Sure, there are 10,000 (actually, more) lakes, but we don't need to get all specific about it.  In any case, our "the lake" was Lake Winnibigoshish (don't pronounce  the last "ish") and Wolf Lake.  I remember the time spent Up North with greater fondness and accuracy than pretty much anything else in my life.

Our family continues our lake tradition, though "the lake" is now Leech Lake (not leechier than any other lake, really).  Every year over the week of the 4th, my family, my brother's family, my sister's family, my parents and my grandparents (yep, both of 'em, still going strong!) head Up North for a week of family awesome.  It's still my favorite week of the year.

My sister and her family live in Australia, so this week is often the only time we see them each year.  These weeks take on a special importance in that light.  We're lucky to have 6 great-grandchildren among us and they play together the whole week.  I'm not sure if Ellis could even imagine a better day than hanging out with his cousins on the boat or at the beach.

(Gratuitous pic of my niece in her new Thumb & Pinky dress inside the cabin.)

We also do some fishing.  Here Great-Grandpa Mel helps Graham with his Northern while Bait Boy Ellis waits to fetch another minnow.

This year we had a big fish fry of Walleye, Northern, and Perch.  We always eat what we catch and savor every bite.  It's the most local meat we eat all year.

So that's where I've been all week.  I did find time on a rainy day to do some quilting on the stashy quilt.  That project is almost done and I'm excited to share it with you later this week.

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